November 11, 2012

The Only Thing That Matters

Personal growth is all I care about (outside of my relationship with family and friends, of course).

Many others agree but spend little effort to maximize personal growth. Too often I meet people unhappy with their mundane 9-to-5, spending their weekends “playing” yet there are so many opportunities to learn, today more than ever.

Here’s how I maximize personal growth:

  • Meet smart people - “If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.” I try to surround myself around smart people. Fortunately for me, the Bay Area if filled with accomplished tech/startup professionals willing to meet strangers for coffee. Hell, Joel Gascoigne, CEO of Buffer, opens his calendar to the world.
  • Get out of the office - it’s easy to use “busy” as an excuse for not attending events. The challenge is knowing which are worth going to but sometimes it only takes one to have a huge impact on how you think. Game Zichermann’s Gamificiation workshop and The Lean Startup Machine opened my eyes to new perspective in product design.
  • Avoid music, listen to podcasts - I rarely listen to music on the bus, at the gym, or when I’m driving and instead I soak up 2+ hours of podcasts a day. This Week in Startups, This Week in Venture Capital, This Week in Tech, Mixergy, Walled Garden Weekly are a few of my favorites.
  • Read (what’s useful) - I rarely read books. There just isn’t enough time in the day and most are full of fluff that should be shortened to a few dozen pages. Instead I regularly read blog posts and articles I discover through people I follow on Twitter, Quora, and my RSS feed (yeah, I still use one of those). I find this content has a much higher time-to-learn ROI.
  • Build something - it’s easy to get consumed by work. Take a break and build something. I’ve created a few websites (Mobile Game Patterns and Mobile Game Videos - very much a work-in-progress) and looking for other interesting projects. This is a no-risk way to explore new ideas and practice different skill sets.
  • Demand challenge - I’ve had an amazing opportunity to learn through PlayHaven’s growth as a small, struggling startup to the success it’s become today. Thank God it hasn’t been easy. Challenge, stress, and a little bit of fear are accelerants for learning. If you can’t describe your current company or role using these nouns, leave. Immediately.

How are you maximizing personal growth?

More Writing by Ryan