February 27, 2018

The New Product Hunt for iOS and Android

Introducing the new Product Hunt mobile app, available on iOS and Android.

Product Hunt started as an email-first product, with a daily newsletter surfacing interesting new products. We quickly expanded to the web, building a place for our community to share and discuss the latest launches in tech. One year later, we released our first mobile app, but our focus remained on improving our web experience.

Admittedly, we’ve treated our mobile app as a second class citizen.

This year, we’re changing that.

Last week, we launched our new experimental mobile app, Sip. Today, we’re introducing the new Product Hunt mobile app for both iOS and Android.

This journey started by scrapping our entire app, rewriting it from scratch in React Native so we could make improvements quickly across both platforms.

Our goals with the redesign:

1. Keep it simple 😽

The data showed that most people used the app solely to explore the top products of the day, so we removed many things including LIVE Chats, topics, and the bottom navigation to free up more precious vertical real-estate.

2. Make it fast ⚡️

The new app is 2–3x faster, thanks to removing unnecessary features and caching content. We introduced advanced card swiping technology™️ to make it super easy to explore each product. You’re welcome. ✨

3. Be informative 📰

Last year, we introduced a big update to product pages on the web, with product descriptions, badges (e.g. #1 Most Upvoted Today), and 3rd party articles to give the community more information about each product. Our new app brings this content mobile, so you can Product Hunt from anywhere.

It’s finally here. Download the new app for iOS or Android. 😸

Ship with us?

To continue the tradition, we’ve been building the new mobile app in public with our community. BIG thanks to everyone that helped beta test. Your bug reports, feature suggestions, and typo catches (😅) are super helpful.

If you’d like to kick the tires with everyone as we improve the app, join us. 💥

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