September 1, 2015

(Still) Building in Public

“Building in public” has been core to our ethos at Product Hunt. Since the beginning, we’ve shared early, rough mockups of things we’re designing, asking for feedback and ideas. Fortunately, the community’s been incredibly supportive, surprising us with the volume and quality of feedback (last time we shared mockups, I spent the entire morning reviewing and responding to hundreds of comments).

Lately we’ve been working on an update to Product Hunt to make it more accessible, fun, and inclusive to our growing community of tech enthusiasts, game lovers, book worms, and future friends.

This is one of the most fun design challenges we’ve faced and the most risky.

I honestly debated whether we should share this now. This is just the first draft and there’s always a risk in opening the kimono this early. But product is an evolution and building the best thing for our growing community is what’s most important to us.

So, we’d like your help redesigning Product Hunt. If you have the time, please take a look at the mockup and add your comments (crazy ideas always encouraged!).

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