May 1, 2011

Someone Build This: Crowdsourced Product Design

Disclaimer: this might be an awful idea but hear me out anyway.

We all have sites or products that we love and use every day.  Personally, I use Facebook (yeah, haters gonna hate but you know you do too), Hype Machine, and my Android phone daily but like with any product, they always lack something.  I wish Facebook would support nested video comments.  Hype Machine should add commenting support on friends’ favorites.  Android needs to add a gesture shortcut to view all running applications.

Heavy users are often the best source of great product ideas and improvements but it’s difficult to sift through the crap and pull out the ones worth implementing.  Uservoice and Getsatisfaction help manage this but what if users could vote with their dollars and fund the development?

Think GetSatisfaction meets Kickstarter.

Of course, this could expand beyond feature additions and support complete product or business ideas.

More Writing by Ryan