October 17, 2013

Impostor Syndrome

Hate him or love him, Kanye occasionally spits the truth.

I recently watched his passionate interview (embedded below) with Zane Lowe where he eloquently states:

That’s the main thing people are controlled by: their perception of themselves. They’re slowed down by the perception of themselves. If you’re taught you can’t do anything, you won’t do anything. I was taught I could do everything.

The Impostor Syndrome is common and especially crippling for entrepreneurs who by definition, are trying to go against popular opinion. Despite our achievements and capabilities, we convince ourselves that we are a fraud, undeserving of success. We attribute past achievements to luck or someone else’s doing. I’ve experienced this feeling.

Next time you feel like a fraud, reflect on the awesome things you’ve accomplished, pump your chest a little, and recognize that no one else knows what the hell they’re doing.

Watch the full interview:

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