December 27, 2014

How to create and share badass music videos on Snapchat

UPDATE: Unfortunately, Snapchat shut this down shortly after I originally published this piece. I understand why, but I miss it.

I fell in love with Mindie the moment I created my first 10-second music video. Since its launch just over a year ago, the team has made several thoughtful improvements including slow/fast motion video captures, hollywood-style photo filters, and private sharing. A few weeks ago Greg, one of the co-founders, introduced me to my new favorite feature: the ability to post mindies as Snapchat stories.


How to Feel Badass on Snapchat

As an active user of both apps, I immediately downloaded the beta. After creating a mindie, share to Snapchat option is presented on the confirmation screen. Simply enter your Snapchat username and password and your beautiful music video will be posted to your story.

Since discovering this, I’ve shared dozens of mindies on Snapchat, like this:

(video no longer available)

And this:

(video no longer available)

And this:

(video no longer available)

As a result, several people following my stories, messaged me asking me how they too could obtain these wizardry powers. A few friends even snapcashed me a dollar (thanks, Phil and Abram):

Snapchat: A New Acquisition Channel

Over a year ago I wrote about how Mindie makes you feel badass and this is another demonstration of that. These unique and unexpected Snapchat stories are a great opportunity for Mindie to grow its use base. Secrets are fun and sharing them is even more rewarding (see this essay on easter egg marketing), as those “in the know” share Mindie with friends.

Furthermore, Snapchat’s large and growing user base provides a fruitful and relatively nascent acquisition channel for product creators to reach a new audience the same way Instagram leveraged Facebook by making it easy to share beautiful photos with its millions of users. Could the next Instagram sprout through Snapchat?

I’m interested to see how others use the Snapchat platform, particularly snapcash payments, and how Evan Spiegel and team encourage or squash these integrations.

Check out Mindie and if you like music, follow my stories (I’m rrhoover, snapcash accepted). ;)

*P.S. If you don’t see the option to share your mindie on Snapchat after its created, log out of Mindie and try again. There’s a bug in the current build. *

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