July 12, 2011

Google+'s Subtle, Killer Feature: Tagging

I was recently tagged for the first time in a Google+ post, triggering a (striking red) notification alert.  The tagging mechanic certainly isn’t new.  It’s been around since the early days of the web in the form of links (called backlinks, in the SEO world) and keyword alerts through Google Alerts.  Twitter and Facebook exhibit more recent examples of tagging.

Tagging is a powerful form of re-engagement.  You can’t help but read a post if it includes your name.  What makes Google+ unique is its ability to push notifications for long-form, blog-like posts to targeted people.  In comparison, Twitter’s limited to 140 characters and Facebook only includes your friends.

Behold, the new vanity push.

FYI - To tag people, use the “+” character (of course) and begin typing their name.

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